
Ankita Popli

How to protect your artwork

We make our artwork ready, but our attention does not go towards protecting it. Just as we need an umbrella in the rain, in the same way, our artwork also needs protection.

The varnish gives good protection to your paintings, protects them and gives an intense look to the colours. We need to protect our paintings from moisture, liquid and dust. Apart from this, there are many particles in the air too, which can damage our painting. To avoid all this, varnish is a very good choice.

Varnishes are of five types. There is some glossy varnish that gives a more intense look to the colours and some have a matte finish which presses the colours slightly. Let’s see what suits us. Read More

Ankita Popli

Choose the right background for your painting

The background plays a very delicate role in your painting. Sometimes we want to highlight our subject with the help of background, sometimes our focus is only on the background. 

Some artists want to have plain white colour as their background. This is also a very good background choice in itself because your artwork will be very well highlighted in it.

Because of choosing the wrong background, your focus object can be pressed, no matter how good your detailing is. So let’s read this article and see that we can do some help in your background selection. Read More

Ankita Popli

What to paint next?

You are not the only one who gets into this question. Rather, most artists are immersed in this thinking. Before starting an artwork, there is so much going on in our mind, the colour selection, canvas size, medium, method, etc. and this thing increases our challenges. So let us try to help you in exploring some ideas.

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Ankita Popli

Acrylic colours tips and tricks for beginners

Whenever we see a master artwork, we think that we also make a similar good piece of art. We are immediately become ready with our colours, canvas and art materials.

We instantly prepare our canvas with a sketch, but when it comes to filling colours, we get confused. At that time, we leave everything and start searching for coloring tips on the Internet.

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Ankita Popli

The struggle of famous artists

We often wonder what to do in life so that we get success and we also become a bit famous. A similar feeling comes in us when we take admission to an art college or start making our first art piece. With our very first artwork, we include ourselves in the counting of a successful artist. Then we get depressed after not getting that much success and, sometimes it happens that we change our interest too. If you are like this, then you must read about these famous artists who have not only suffered mental stress and financial crisis in their life but have also faced rejections. Some artists could not even know in their lifetime that their art is so attractive in the world because their work was appreciated later their death.

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